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  • How do I use Truly Turmeric Paste?
    Just add 1tsp to 1 tbsp to any recipe! Go ahead, get creative! If you need some inspiration visit our recipes page.
  • Is Truly Turmeric Organic?
    All of our ingredients are sourced from local growers and organically grown (without the use of agricultural inputs). Our turmeric is wildcrafted and has been tested for heavy metals and other potential soil contaminants. As we source ingredients from many local growers organic certification is extremely expensive to obtain - however, we are working on this as we know it is important to you!
  • What does 'WildCrafted' mean?
    Wildcrafting is the practice of harvesting plants from their natural, or "wild" habitat, for food or medicinal purposes. It applies to uncultivated plants wherever they may be found, and is not necessarily limited to wilderness areas. Our turmeric grows in the Toledo district of Belize. We do not plant, water, or have any other agricultural inputs, our turmeric grows within cacao trees and natural forest habitats.
  • Why does the product texture and colour vary?
    We produce Truly Turmeric with all-natural ingredients and in an artisanal way. The colour of turmeric root varies a little from root to root, so your paste colour will be slightly different for each jar. When we squeeze each lime the juice also varies in ph, for some batches we need more lime juice to get the product stabilized and at the correct ph balance. So there will be some variance in thickness of the paste. One thing that will not change is you will get the same great taste, health benefits, and food safety in each jar!
  • How long does it last in my fridge?
    Truly Turmeric has a shelf-life of 2.5 years sealed, this is the best before date. Once opened, depending on the fridge environment and if there is no mixing with other foods it should last at least 3 months in your fridge.
  • What are the ingredients?
    Each product on the products page has the ingredient list and nutrition chart for that product listed. ​
  • What is the big deal about turmeric?
    Turmeric is known for its anti-imflamitory and antioxidant properties (11th on the ORAC Scale with a score of 127068).
  • What is turmeric good for?
    Turmeric has been traditionally used by our Indian ancestors to:
  • Why is turmeric from Belize better?
    Our turmeric is extremly high in curcuminoids. 3x more potent than the global average!
  • Turmeric 101- some great nerdy facts!
    Turmeric belongs to the botanical family of Zingibereace which is the ginger family There are 3 types of Turmeric: 1. Curcuma xanthorrhiza- Black turmeric, Kaali haldi Curcuma xanthorrhiza is also known as Javanese Turmeric or Temoe Lawak . For centuries, Curcuma xanthorrhiza oil has been used as a traditional medicine due to its antibacterial, antispasmodic, antioxidative, antitumor, anti-inflammatory and protective effects. Medicinal Uses Of Black Turmeric: One of the most popular uses of the black turmeric rhizome or root is to crush it into a paste and administer it to anyone suffering from gastric issues, including stomach ache and dysentery. Black turmeric powder can be mixed with water and consumed to get relief from gastric stress. 2. Curcuma zedoaria- white turmeric, or temu putih or Amba Haldi Zedoaria grows in Belize. Used as an ornamental flower. We have made a paste from it which has a lovely aroma but is very bitter. Medicinal Uses Of White Turmeric: White turmeric can be used to resolve digestive problems, particularly in the gastrointestinal tract. It may also help aid flatulence, irregular bowel movement, indigestion, etc. White turmeric has anti-inflammatory properties that help combat inflammation, especially for people suffering from arthritis. 3. Curcuma Longa– Yellow Turmeric- Haldi Brought to Belize by Indian indentured servants in the late 1700. Grows in Toledo, Cayo and Corazol. There are 40-50 sub species in India and 30-40 in Thailand. The yield 10,000 lbs per acre. The small tubers are the seeds. It takes 9 months for first crop but for the best yield it takes 2 years for first harvest. It flowers in August with white, green, purple (in gradation). The flowers are self pollinating (hermaphroditic). The variety we have in Belize is called Allepey. It has the highest colour and deepest flavour of all turmerics. Allepey normally has 6.5% curcuminoids. Naledo’s turmeric has 7.6% curcuminoids. Turmeric contains more than 300 naturally occurring components including beta-carotene, ascorbic acid (vitamin C), calcium, flavonoids, fiber, iron, manganese,niacin, potassium, zinc and other nutrients. But the chemical in turmeric linked to its most highly touted health effects is curcumin. Average curcumins in turmeric powder is 1.51%. Turmeric also 34 essential oils. Curcuma longa naturally contains a mixture of three kinds of curcuminoids (Curs), namely curcumin (Cur; diferuloylmethane, 85%), demethoxycurcumin (Dem; 15%), and bis-demethoxycurcumin (Bis; 5%) It has 2 pigments xanthophyll (yellow) and Carotene ( reddish orange)
  • What is a Social Enterprise?
    Social enterprise is a new way of doing business - better business for better lives! We use our vision and mission to guide our business decisions meaning we focus on creating win-win-wins! Wins for you by making healthy products, wins for our environment by being sustainable, wins for our stakeholders by empowering communities.
  • Where is Belize?
    Belize is located just below Mexico in Central America. Naledo is located in Punta Gorda, Toledo district. Belize has a population of about 370,000. Over 70% of the population is below the age of 29, and many do not have jobs. That is why Naledo decided to produce our products in Belize, to benefit the communities that produce the resources with great jobs and benefits.
  • How do I place an order?​
    With the click of a button! Check out our products page for links on how to buy online. We partner with two online stores in Canada, both ship internationally. Purchases through their websites are subject to their return policies.
  • Returns & Refunds​
    We only replace items if they are defective or damaged. Please contact us and we will do our best to help you out.


 Naledo Foods and Beverages Inc. 

Vancouver, Canada and Punta Gorda, Belize

Terms of Service

   Healthy, Sustainable, Empowering Communities

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