Notre Producteurs
Naledo est fier de s'associer à des petits producteurs de Le Bélizien va faire du vrai curcuma !
Nos producteurs mettent beaucoup d'amour à vous offrir le meilleur curcuma, voici quelques-unes de leurs histoires.
*notez que de nombreux producteurs avec lesquels nous nous associons considèrent que leur profession est « agricole » car ils ont d'autres domaines où ils pratiquent des techniques agricoles plus traditionnelles. Alors vous pouvez entendre l'agriculture mentionnée beaucoup , mais notre curcuma est vérifié pour être fabriqué à l'état sauvage avec chacun des producteurs avec lesquels nous travaillons.
Nous travaillons certains des familles inspirantes, cliquez sur chaque photo pour en savoir plus....

Fred's family has been growing turmeric for generations! He is the first grower to partner with Naledo. We are grateful for all the knowledge he shares with other growers.

This power couple works together to harvest turmeric for Naledo. Always with a big smile. The Kus family send their children to school and support their family with money earned from growing turmeric.

Derrick has been growing turmeric on his land for decades. He learnt from his mother and family. He loves his independence and enjoys growing many crops on his land.

Magdalene is a new grower with Naledo. Her family all pitches in to help her harvest their yellow ginger (this is what turmeric is called in Belize!). She also grows cacao and many other beautiful organic fruits and vegetables - all done without watering, fertilizer, or any agricultural inputs. Her family is of Indian descent, her ancestors are part of a group of indentured workers that were brought to Belize by the British after they were part of the first rebellion.

Gardel is always is so warm and welcoming to everyone. He works hard to support his family and has beautiful turmeric!

Carla is passionate about teaching young people about organic sustainable growing. Although she has a small amount of turmeric at this time she is excited to earn extra income for her family.

Francisco is a quiet man who works hard support his family.

Wilheminia has two boys. Her turmeric is 2 years old and her growing method is very biologically diverse with many different plants. She is planning on saving up to continue her sons' education.

Gustavo lives with his wife Elda and 3 boys. They grow Mangoes, plantain, sour sop, coconut, cherry and limes. They also make Turmeric powder, coconut oil and pepper sauce. It's great to see a grower making value added products and retailing. Welcome Gustavo!

Claudis has 2 children. She has a small amount of wild turmeric growing on her land and also farms okra, cowfoot, mangoes and plantain. She was thrilled to start selling her turmeric for extra family income.

Margarito supports his family with farming many different crops!